Set goals and achieve them!
Who are we? is an online steroid store that gives an opportunity to professionals and novice athletes to buy the highest quality steroids, HGH, and peptides online.
We are a rapidly developing professional company, including people who are passionate about sports and a healthy lifestyle, who are professionally engaged in chemistry, medicine, and diet.
If you are here, then definitely decided to start taking steroids. Here you will find a lot of useful sports pharma. Our store provides a huge selection of sports pharmacology, both oral and injectable steroids. In addition, you can ask a question, and get a qualified response from professional specialists, how to choose the right steroids combination and how to conduct a proper post cycle therapy to minimize or eliminate side effects after taking steroids.
What is our goal?
Our mission is to help you set goals and achieve them, achieving the best possible results in weightlifting, strength sports, bodybuilding, and other sports disciplines. And for people who love their body and care about it, for people who want to just look good and have a great relief.
So why do we need to use sports pharmacology?
As you know, it’s not easy to fight against your own genetic predisposition. Some, without much effort, can quickly achieve the desired result, but some do not help either intensive training or proper nutrition. So sports pharmacology is intended to enhance the result. It helps to accelerate chemical processes in the body, which contributes to the rapid formation of the form, a set of muscle mass.
Bodybuilding is now not only a popular sport but also a lifestyle for many people. Regular workout in the gym, balanced protein-rich nutrition, and high-quality steroids of the latest generation – these are the main 3 steps on the way to the body of your dreams.
Working directly with trusted pharmacological companies, we guarantee high-quality and only branded products. All AAS are divided into groups for easy navigation and each product has a full description. We also try to timely fulfill the assortment of new products. All this together allows you to facilitate the choice of the right drug. We try to set competitive prices so that you can choose a drug depending on the price and manufacturer. All products are sent directly from the manufacturer or their warehouses.
Steroids, which are taken by athletes to gain muscle mass, are in fact, artificially synthesized male hormone testosterone. Taking steroids has a positive effect on the body, not just muscles. Only on condition that you choose the right steroid or HGH and will strictly follow the manufacturer’s instructions. In our steroids online pharmacy store you can only not order steroids, but also get advice from an expert in this field. Our managers are thoroughly guided in the matter, and will always be happy to help you, giving the necessary tips. If you do not know from what to start and to which drug give preference, then it’s not an issue! We will help you with the right choice in a variety of steroids and HGH assortment.
How to reach your ideal image and to become a handsome athlete?
Steroids, proper nutrition, and regular workout in the gym will make your body truly strong and beautiful. Anabolic steroids can make miracles. With our online steroids pharmacy, you will always be in great shape!
If you are not sure of your choice correctness, then you can always contact our consultants. An experienced, qualified specialist will help you to create a special program that is right for you or a ready-made course of steroids. Do not forget that these are not just nutritional supplements, but rather serious pharmaceutical drugs and independent prescribing of such kind of medicine or failure to follow the advised dosage can have a deplorable effect on your health. We are always happy to answer all your questions and help with the choice of steroids and cycle composition, and their correct use, in combination with the right diet.
Is it possible to gain muscle without steroids?
Definitely possible! We strongly advise you not to use steroids at the beginning! This can lead to a big bunch of side effects and a strong rollback effect after stopping the steroid cycle!
A requirement for starting a using pharma is the pass of detailed blood tests before, during, and after the AAS course, as well as the advice of an experienced doctor!
Most Common Side Effects:
Gynecomastia – occurs due to liver problems or a genetic predisposition. It can be avoided with the help of Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) or surgery.
Inhibition of the production of own hormones – arises from long cycles and incorrect post-cycle therapy.
Hair Loss – If you have a genetic predisposition to early hair loss, taking steroids can speed up this process.
The main recommendations during the admission:
To drink a lot of water – the calculation is 40 ml per 1 kg of the body since, during the intake, blood thickens and increases the load on the heart. Drinking plenty of water thins the blood and makes your cardiovascular system easier.
Do not be in a rush with the huge weights!
Be sure to buy and conduct PCT after the course, and take a break until the next steroid cycle for at least the duration of the previous course.
Do not use steroids in large dosages, this significantly increases the risk of side effects and only slightly increases the result of taking.
Benefits of buying steroids from
Do you need high-quality steroids?
Do you have a great desire to buy steroids at affordable prices and not be afraid to get a fake from the seller?
Do you like working with professionals who speak the same language as you?
Then you are at the right place!
There are many sellers of steroids, but it’s worth buying from ASNGear! There are several good reasons for this:
First, of course, is security.
100% security and anonymity.
Be sure – all your confidential information is 100% protected. In our online steroids shop an SSL connection is established and the most reliable protection of our server, which guarantees 100% anonymity and security with us. Our security system is constantly being improved, and we guarantee the most reliable data security. Purchasing steroids in our online pharmacy guarantees you to remain anonymous. The safety of our customers is one of the most important priorities of our store.

SSL is a cryptographic protocol that involves secure communications. It uses asymmetric cryptography to authenticate exchange keys, symmetric encryption to maintain confidentiality, message authentication codes for message integrity. Our security protocol supports TSL 1.3, which indicates its reliability. You can check the status of our security protocol on this service: ssllabs dot com

A DDoS attack (from Distributed Denial of Service) is a distributed denial-of-service attack, the purpose of which is to create conditions under which users cannot access a site or web service due to its overload. To protect the site from DDoS attacks, a series of filters are used that are connected to the Internet channel with sufficiently large bandwidth. Filters sequentially analyze the passing traffic, revealing anomalies, and non-standard network activity.
Flexible system of discounts/bonuses and affiliate program
Our online steroids pharmacy has a flexible system of discounts on the total amount, on regular customers, and discount coupons. All discounts are cumulative. And the most interesting is the COMRADE affiliate program, which allows you to save on the purchase of steroids, by inviting your friends.
In our store, the following discounts apply depending on the amount of the order.
Our store has cumulative discounts for regular customers.
5 reasons why 90% of customers choose us again:
1. High-quality goods – we check the quality in the laboratory.
2. We need you to recommend us – we will do our best for this.
3. The program of cumulative discounts!
4. There is no minimum order amount – Order 1 blister for verification.
5. Sending the package within 4 days – We send the tracking
code on the 3 – 4th day.
We guarantee
100% anonymity
All your data is visible to only one store administrator. We do not disclose them. Upon your first request, we will delete your contact information without any doubt.
100% Quality guarantee
We send 100% legit gears we conduct random tests for random steroids in a certified laboratory.
Product availability
We are a real store with real products. Product video, photo you can find here.
100% Guaranteed delivery
We will send packages within 3 days (track code for the 4th day).
What are steroids?
This is a group of pharmacological drugs that mimic the effects of the male sex hormone testosterone. As a result of the intake, protein production in the cells is accelerated, which leads to a significant increase in muscle mass.
It should be noted that for many athletes, the concepts of “steroids” and “anabolics” are synonyms because the word
“anabolic” in Greek means “build up”.
What steroids do?
Steroids or anabolics act on the human body in two ways: anabolic and androgenic.
The manifestation of anabolic activity:
- Gain up to 5-10 kg of muscle mass per month
- Significant increase in power indicators
- Increased productivity and endurance
- A noticeable increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood
- Noticeable bone strengthening
- Significant reduction in body fat
How all this is achieved? First, anabolic steroids significantly accelerate the synthesis of protein in the muscles, as a result of which the body needs less time to recover. In addition, the effect of catabolic hormones on the body is reduced, due to a change in the balance in the direction of muscle cell growth, the number of fat cells decreases. The breakdown of fat occurs due to the acceleration of the metabolic reaction.
Since, in contrast to anabolic, androgenic activity negatively affects the state of the body as a whole, it is constantly ongoing researches on the development of steroids with minimal androgenic activity. To find out the ratio of the anabolic and androgenic activity of the drug allows the anabolic index – the higher it is, the safer the drug.
In addition to muscle gains, there are a number of additional effects:
1. Athletes have increased appetite
2. The feeling of fear disappears
3. Significantly increased self-esteem and self-confidence
4. A person becomes more sociable
5. Sex drive is growing
How to take steroids
We provide advice by email and on the page
To build a muscular figure, taking anabolics alone is not enough. Only a simultaneous combination of a number of conditions helps to achieve the maximum effect and allows you to gain up to 10 kg of muscle mass per month. First of all, you should clearly adhere to a competently developed system of strength training aimed at working out all the major muscle groups. In addition, since muscle building occurs not only during training, the athlete’s diet should be rich in proteins and vitamins. Anabolic steroids will help to accelerate the burning of fat cells and accelerate the process of building muscle.
Where to buy steroids?
The choice of the dealer should be taken very carefully because there are a lot of scammers.
The most competent decision will be to study reviews of dealers on the web, as well as the guarantees provided
(photos, video of the delivered products, etc.).
Why is it worth buying from us?
1. You do not need to leave your home: you can make a choice and purchase without getting up off the couch, and at a very low price. This is due to the fact that the purchase of drugs is from direct suppliers from manufacturers in the Netherlands, Moldova, Egypt, Turkey, and Western Europe. Direct deliveries are the guarantee of our low prices.
2. You can not worry about the quality of the purchased product, because bodybuilding is our way of life, so we are personally responsible for the quality of the goods.
3. You can get a free competent consultation of our specialists, build a steroid cycle, and ask all your questions.
Delivery is by airmail. Payment is made in any way convenient for you: PayPal, Western Union, Money Gram. Be sure to send a scan/photo of the receipt for payment to [email protected] or write the ref. number.
See delivery details
Order at ASNGear and the result will take longer to come!
Having chosen ASNGear Online Steroids pharmacy store, you are provided with:
Quality assurance. Our suppliers are exclusively licensed, and distributors are only official pharmaceutical companies. Therefore, to buy pharmaceuticals from us means to acquire quality, not Chinese falsification.
Adequate price. We do not overcharge, as we directly cooperate with the manufacturer, without intermediaries.
Anonymity. We do not store personal data.
Delivery. Dates – up to two weeks. With delivery, our anonymity guaranteed is provided.
Purchase without limits. Each steroid from the catalog is available in any quantity.
Sports pharmacology is acquired by both beginner athletes and representatives of advanced level. Using our doping, you are guaranteed to get maximum performance.
Profitable terms
We provide a large catalog of steroids, HGH, and offer cooperation with mutual benefit. To get acquainted with the products, we offer not to buy the entire batch at once but to use, in the beginning, a small number of trials. Ask questions to our online consultants. We are always happy to help you.