Today we will talk about a special steroid originally from veterinary medicine, about the best and strongest of modern sports pharmacology, about the king of androgens and anabolic record holder, about a steroid that is 3 times stronger than testosterone, and whose anabolic power is 4 times greater than the potential of Nandrolones. This article is a review of Trenbolone – the main hit of the pharmaceutical industry of the last three decades.
Athletes had the opportunity to use trenbolone back in the 80s. In Mexico, until 1987, were produced the veterinary trenbolone acetate “Finaject” and “Finaplix”; in France, until 1986, Negma manufactured Parabolan (trenbolone cyclohexyl methyl carbonate). In general, the 80s and the beginning of the 90s of the XX century can be called a pharmacological paradise for athletes, because at this time was a “chemical boom” by the appearance of new pharmaceuticals and numerous experiments of new doping in sports practice. Not all this “chemical Eldorado” was overshadowed by the ban, and the athletes could not be afraid of reprisal from the law for “storage for the purpose of selling”. In such conditions, Trenbolone quickly found loyal fans and gained the title of the most powerful and effective steroid.
What is Tren?
Trenbolone is an injectable steroid found on our black market in three forms: trenbolone cyclohexyl methyl carbonate (Parabolan), trenbolone enanthate, and trenbolone acetate, which differ in duration of action, i.e. half-life. The half-life of the acetate form is approximately 1 – 2 days, enanthate – 8 days, Parabolan – 10 days. In addition to different trenbolone esters, there is also oral form, which is now very rarely available for sale due to low popularity among athletes. The oral form of trenbolone is characterized by low bioavailability because this steroid is not alkylated at 17-a, which means it is very successfully destroyed by the liver. That’s why the oral form of tren in this article will not be reviewed…

Trenbolone is a derivative of nandrolone, and it is very different from its predecessor. Nandrolone under the action of the enzyme 5-a-reductase is converted into much weaker dihydro nandrolone and does not have any visible effect on the body after such a transformation. Trenbolone is not affected by 5-a-reductase, and it exhibits androgen properties act properly. Trenbolone cycle together with fluoxymesterone is very different from all other steroids. Only in these two steroids have changes in rings B and C. Due to the structural properties, trenbolone does not affect by aromatase but can manifest progestogen activity by itself (the last is expressed in the ability to activate progesterone receptors), which puts tren on the same level with another strong progestin – Nandrolone. The estrogenic side effects of other steroids can be increased by taking trenbolone if combined together in one cycle. Once again, if we compare Trenbolone with Decanoate that aromatizes into estradiol when enters the body of an athlete, Tren does not aromatize at all, i.e. in theory, he has almost no estrogenic side effects (gynecomastia and water retention).
Trenbolone is one of the strongest steroids by its potential to increase strength and muscle mass. At the same time, this affects the frequency of side effects, the occurrence of which is quite high, especially with the cycle is not built properly.
Trenbolone Cycle and combination with other steroids
If earlier in veterinary practice trenbolone cycle was used to increase muscle mass and appetite of livestock, then bodybuilders mainly use it for slightly different purposes. Tren is a universal anabolic agent that is used in various sports disciplines and for completely different tasks. With its help, you can work on both increasing weights and strength and on muscle quality as well. Professional bodybuilders love trenbolone more than any other users and almost always put the acetate ester of tren in combination with other non-aromatizing steroids (Winstrol, Primobolan, boldenone, Turinabol, Oxandrolone, Masteron) in their drying cycles. This veterinary idol is ideally suited for the final stage of preparation for the drying of bodybuilders to enter the podium.

As already mentioned above, Trenbolone does not cause water retention in the body and works as a strong androgen, which in combination with a low-calorie diet and the use of special fat burners, provides muscle mass of the highest quality and best relief. When taking trenbolone, athletes achieve incredible elasticity and extreme muscle hardness, not any other steroid provides such an incredible result. In the last weeks before the competition, in conditions of intensive training and a “carbohydrate-free” diet, the depleted body of bodybuilders is experiencing tremendous stress, the high-androgenic effect of trenbolone, helps to deal with overloads prevent the possible overtraining syndrome, accelerates recovery, and the muscles look full and at the same time clearly defined. Many victories of the last decades in the world of professional bodybuilding were achieved thanks to this wonderful trenbolone – testosterone, which helped good athletes to become the best.
Trenbolone gives its athletes an amazingly fast increase in strength without a significant increase in body weight that is why powerlifters who want to stay in a certain weight category especially love it. In terms of its performance characteristics, tren is comparable to such giants of sports pharmacology as Dianabol, Anapolon, and Testosterone, but tren leaves Dbol and test far behind in its effectiveness, and the only Anapolon can at least to some point compare with this king of androgens. Users who have tried trenbolone testosterone for the first time were shocked by the rapid jump in strength indicators that always comes when taking this steroid. Even experienced users, whose bench press has come close or even exceeded two hundred kilograms, are surprised with the power and incredible strength that are achieved in the shortest possible time with the help of tren.
Usually, athletes begin to put trenbolone seven weeks before the competition. In the last week, they cancel it so that there is no feeling of muscle clogging. Lifting cycles are always a mixture of trenbolone and testosterone, most often tren acetate is combined with “short” propionate, and tren enanthate with long testosterone esters. Nevertheless, in sports power triathlon this veterinary medicine is less common than in bodybuilding, the reason is the presence of doping control at the powerlifting competitions, and the timing of trenbolone detection varies from 6 to 10 months.
The best trenbolone is also good for building muscles, so it can sometimes be found in mass-gaining courses. The enanthate ester of tren is better suited for muscle gaining than acetate. As a solo cycle, trenbolone does not give any noticeable weight gain, but in combination with other strong steroids such as testosterone and methandienone, this deficiency is easily eliminated. There is a traditional opinion that in such bulking cycles the total proportion of testosterone should be 2 times higher than trenbolone dosage, i.e. if you inject 300 mg of trenbolone enanthate per week, then the dosage of the test should be at least 500 mg. Methandienone is taken in the classic scheme – 40 or 50 mg per day. The duration of such an explosive mix should not exceed 8 weeks. Some extremals combine tren with Deca so that the mass gain effect is more powerful. This combination can be considered extremely dangerous for men’s health, but we will talk about this in more detail later.
The acetate form of trenbolone, along with other “short” esters, is also suitable for the so-called short cycles whose duration does not exceed 6 weeks. Such a tren cycle scheme is suitable for those who, despite the long list of side effects of this powerful steroid and want to make the course as safe as possible. Short cycles can consist of different combinations of tren with another AAS. Of course, various mixes can be considered more effective, the basis of which will be trenbolone acetate…

The range of working and relatively safe dosages: 50 mg – 100 mg every other day for acetate, 200 mg – 400 mg per week for the enanthate form of trenbolone. At the same time, experienced users, who are ready to take risks and are well aware of their body’s reaction to the active substance can afford to inject up to 1 g per week or more to achieve certain goals.
In this article, I will not go deep into the topic of building-specific tren cycles, because Trenbolone is an “elite” steroid for fairly educated and experienced users, for the elite who, even without my advice know-how and with what to use this unique pharmaceutical product. I will limit myself to just a few examples of cycle building, based on the traditional postulate of modern sports pharmacology – any more or less serious course should include testosterone, which, in addition to all its advantages, “softens” the effect of tren and enhances its effect…
1. Quality mass cycle. The cycle duration is 6 weeks. Trenbolone acetate 75 mg – 100 mg every other day + Winstrol 40 mg per day + testosterone propionate 100 mg every other day. As a result of this combination, the athlete should get good relief, a small increase in weight, and a good increase in strength indicators. Proper nutrition and optimal training should be followed during the cycle.
2. Bulking cycle. The cycle duration is 10 weeks. The first 7 weeks: trenbolone enanthate 200 mg – 300 mg per week + Turinabol 50 mg per day + testosterone enanthate 750 mg per week. The last three weeks of the cycle: testosterone propionate 100mg every other day or every day. As a result, a significant increase in mass 8 kg + of excellent quality and amazing muscle mass.
Trenbolone Side Effects
First, it is necessary to mention “animal aggression” which often happens with the user who uses trenbolone. If in case of using other steroids, aggression is a rather rare occasion, and most often it appears as a mental and psychological metamorphosis in the form of high spirits and increased motivation, then in the case of Parabolan, everything is completely different. Athletes that injecting trenbolone noted a significant increase in the quantity of inadequate emotional and the transition of their “everyday” bitterness to a completely new level – we can say that athletes discover new horizons of rage and aggression. Even with minimal working dosages, many trenbolone lovers have a desire to rush and destroy everything that comes in their way. This kind of “tren rage” in most cases enhanced by a low-carb diet, as well as with a huge amount of androgens, which comes into the body when using Parabolan. Even cute and calm by nature people become unbearable. When using tren you flash like a tank with gasoline, from the slightest spark. Trenbolone’s ability to change a person’s mood and influence emotional balance is similar to Androlic, only from the last, you go angry and gloomy all the time, and from a tren, you become like a barrel of gunpowder. Properly selected dosages help to deal with this problem.
The next side step is tren stuffiness, strength. This phenomenon cannot be definitely considered as a side effect, however, such (pathological hardening) of muscles, similar to spasm, very complicates everyday life and weekly training for athletes who are using Parabolan. Training with weights turns into excruciation, there is a feeling of extreme pumping – a kind of pump effect when it feels like the meat is just ready to explode. In short, we can say that tren is a steroid for masochists.
Further, it comes … tren cough. This phenomenon cannot be regarded as a side effect; it is rather a certain indicator of “workability” and a certain quality of the steroid you bought. Such a cough can be noticed with the use of other steroids. If this phenomenon seems to you to not be serious and somehow completely harmless, then you are most mistaken, because after the first such attack, when you are literally twisted, you will begin to choke, and you will drop the syringe to the floor during the injection then you will understand the relevance of this problem! I exaggerate a little, of course, but the point I explained correctly – very often during the injection of trenbolone, symptoms of small thromboembolism of pulmonary arterioles are felt. Inhalation pain and a painful cough may appear, also in the throat, you might feel a chemical taste. There are several opinions about why this side effect happens. The next version seems more proper to me … The thing is that the trenbolone drug causes the production of prostaglandins, biologically active substances in the body, which affect many processes in the body from inflammation to the protection of the gastric mucosa; we will not go deep into details. The production of these substances goes in two ways, in particular with the help of the enzyme lipoxygenase. With the intramuscular injection, especially if you get into a sufficiently large vessel, the tren instantly enters the bloodstream and an instant release of lipoxygenase occurs, which leads to bronchial spasms and, accordingly, causes a cough (tren cough). For all the unpleasant moments, in this case, there is one positive! At least for a specific cough, you can at least somehow judge about the presence of tren concentration in the steroid! There is an opinion that this cough can be avoided or minimized if the tren is mixed with any other steroid in the same syringe during injection (for example, take 1ml of tren and 1ml of Prop).
With the tren cough side effect, the phenomenon is associated with a trenbolone – fat burning effect. The thing is that tren promotes the production of not only prostaglandin but also IGF (insulin-like growth factor), which determines its fat-burning properties, a positive effect on lipid metabolism.
It is traditionally believed that this “high-octane” steroid hits primarily the kidneys rather than the liver. Athletes who are taking it in high doses and for a long time often talk about an unusually strong darkening of urine. In some cases, even blood may appear in the urine, which indicates damage to the kidneys. Athletes taking Parabolan are usually advised to drink an additional 2 liters of water, as it helps to flush the kidneys. The duration of the cycle is not more than 8 weeks.
Parabolan much more strongly than testosterone esters suppresses the production of its own testosterone, this is due to its ability to increase significantly the level of progesterone and prolactin. Tren users often suffer from a decrease in libido, prolactin gyno, and “Deca dick”. Prolactin inhibitors help to solve this side effect.
Another unexpected side effect is tren gynecomastia, the appearance of which on the cycle with a non-aromatizing steroid should not appear. However, many users of trenbolone face this problem. Apparently, this is due to the raw material from which tren is made and which contains estradiol. Means, in its finished form, trenbolone contains a “female” hormone. And none of the aromatase inhibitors cannot be brought down such tren gyno. Therefore, at the first signs of gynecomastia, I recommend loading with antiestrogens (Toremifene, for example), which deal well with this disease.
It also should be mentioned that trenbolone effects (inhibits) the production of thyroid hormones. Taking triiodothyronine with tren is not advisable, but T4 is possible.
All other androgenic side effects of trenbolone, which appear in the form of oily skin, acne, hair loss with hereditary exposure, and high blood pressure, do not need any comments.
Trenbolone does not suit users whose weight is a little more than a bag of potatoes, tren is the prerogative of experienced athletes who, over the years of pharma use, managed to “work out” other weaker steroids and built up a decent muscle mass suitable for further improvement. “Newbies” better to refuse from taking this strongest steroid. Trenbolone is a professional level steroid. Tren is necessary for bodybuilders who are preparing for competitions and whose mass is above one hundred kg. In powerlifting tren is necessary for hard training in the pre-competitive period, its combination with testosterone gives brutal strength gains without a significant increase in mass.
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